Deadline: For 2026 Hall of Fame the deadline is 2nd Tuesday in September before 7 p.m.
Nominating Criteria
Nominee must have been deceased for at least ten (10) years by nomination deadline.
Nominee must have been an upstanding citizen of good moral character and may not have ever been convicted of a felony crime.
Nominee must have been a resident of Anderson County at some point. (Note: Anderson County includes the Pendleton District prior to December 18, 1826.)
Supporting documentation (see Application Tips)
Point System for Judging Nominees
Total points attainable: 50
Contributions to Anderson County: (up to 15 points)
List candidate’s leadership or participation in city or county government, civic organizations, education system, business, or corporate leadership, etc.
Contributions to Anderson County history: (up to 20 points)
List candidate’s leadership or participation in activities that changed Anderson County’s landscape, quality of life or position in the world at the time. Even more importantly, is this change still evident today? (i.e. candidate was on the founding committee of the first library, candidate started a business or organization that changed Anderson’s quality of life or evolved into a large-scale employer.) Perhaps the candidate served in government during a controversial time (a time of social change or when a large-scale project was agreed upon and completed.)
Contributions from outside of Anderson County that impacted Anderson County in a positive way: (up to 10 points)
Contributions made that impacted South Carolina, the United States, or the world: (up to 5 points)
General Information
There may be up to two inductees per year. There may be a year with no inductions if the judges determine that none of the nominees qualify for induction.
If not selected for induction, a previous nominee’s application will automatically be carried to the next selection round for five years from the date submitted. Applicants should review their nominations regularly to determine if any new information can be added. After five years you will be notified that your application will be placed in inactive status until a new application is submitted.
Applicants may nominate more than one candidate.
More than one applicant may nominate the same candidate. Before submitting a nomination form, it is advisable to review a current list of nominees available in the Museum’s Roper Research Room.
NOTE: It is expected 10 copies plus original of the nomination form and all supporting documentation be provided to the Museum Staff. Copies should be three-hole-punched. Clip applications and documentation together with paper clip. Do not put in notebooks, individual envelopes, or any type binder.
Application Questions
What advancements did this person make in his/her field? (250 words or less)
How were these advancements made? (250 words or less)
What events (if any) that were occurring at the time these advancements were made, make what this person accomplished more notable and deserving of recognition? (100 words or less)
What contribution(s) did this person make that impacted the quality of life of the citizens of Anderson County? (250 words or less)
What lasting contribution(s) did this person make to Anderson County history? (350 words or less)
Did your candidate’s efforts outside of Anderson County bring recognition to the County or improve the quality of life of Anderson County citizens? If yes, please describe. Be specific. (150 words or less)
Did this person make a significant contribution to the state of South Carolina, the United States, or the world that is worthy of recognition and would, in your opinion, make Anderson County residents, past and present, proud to say this person was a product of Anderson County? If yes, please describe. Be specific. (100 words or less)
Briefly describe why this person is being nominated to the Anderson County Museum Hall of Fame. (150 words or less)
Application Tips
Be concise. Do not assume everyone knows details about your nominee just because the name may be familiar. However, too much verbiage or documentation can distract and confuse the judges.
DOCUMENTATION: Supporting documents validate your nominee’s credentials. Even a simple obituary can be significant. It may list several of your nominee’s accomplishments. Supporting documents can include newspaper clippings, excerpts from books, family documents, photographs, diaries, etc.
Refer to the resources listed below if more documentation is needed.
Review previously submitted applications in the Anderson County Museum Roper Research Room.
Because the list of excellent nominees gets longer every year, it has become necessary to remove from consideration those nominees who have been through five consecutive selection processes without those applications having been significantly updated and resubmitted. The applications for these nominees will remain on file at the museum. If you wish to amend your application once submitted, make sure the added information is significant and does not detract from your application. No changes to application or supporting documents after the deadline will be accepted.
Completely fill out the nomination form using the link below. Submit your application for the 2026 Hall of Fame by the 2nd Tuesday in September before 7 p.m.
All supporting documentation is to be sent to the email address provided. The subject line of the email must read: Hall of Fame, Supporting Documents, Name of Nominee. Send all documents to